Jaime Reviews ~ This is My Brain on Boys by Sarah Strohmeyer

By Sarah Strohmeyer
Published on May 10, 2016
Published by: Balzer + Bray
Source: Around the World ARC Tours
Jane Austen’s Emma meets The Rosie Project in this quirky, irresistible, romantic comedy from Sarah Strohmeyer, the author of Smart Girls Get What They Want.

Addie Emerson doesn’t believe in love. Not for herself anyway. With one year left of high school, she’s more interested in snagging a full scholarship to Harvard than a full-time boyfriend.

That doesn’t mean she’s oblivious to the ways of the heart. Or, rather, the head. Because after months of research, Addie has discovered how to make anyone fall in love. All you need is the secret formula.

But will her discovery be enough to win the coveted Athenian Award and all its perks? (See above, full scholarship to Harvard.) Or will she be undone by Dexter, her backstabbing lab partner, who is determined to deep-six her experiments at their exclusive private school?

Those are the least of her problems now that she’s survived a death-defying flight with a mysterious, dark-haired boy, who has delicious chocolate-brown eyes and a few secrets of his own.

With an experiment to mastermind, an infatuated exchange student on her hands, and at least one great white shark (more on that later), can Addie’s prefrontal cortex outwit her heart? Or will she have to give in to her amygdala and find out, once and for all, if this thing called love is more than just her brain on drugs?

This is My Brain on Boys...

  I have only read one other book by Sarah Strohmeyer,  Smart Girls Get What They Want, but it was enough for me to fall in love with her wit and humor. This is My Brain on Boys sounded like another wry and funny story, and that is just what I needed. While I might not have loved it quite as much as Smart Girls, I still loved that certain "Strohmeyer-ness" in this cute little read!

  Since we are still a good ways from the release date, I don't want to go into too many details, just some of my impressions. First, Addie is a wholly unique individual. In Sajda (Across the Words) Goodreads review, she compared Addie to Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory, and I definitely agree with her. Addie is incredibly smart, a genius, but her social skills are not the greatest. But she learns quickly and she does try. Addie's "dark-haired boy" is gorgeous, and sweet but definitely trouble. He and Addie's back and forth was fun to read. Other notable characters are Dex, Addie's lab partner. Addie thought they were friends. Was she wrong? Finally, her best friend Tess and Tess's boyfriend were wonderful friends to Addie. Very protective of her, and they loved her for exactly who she was. Most of the characters in the story had an impact TO the story, and I enjoyed getting to know them all.

 This is My Brain on Boys is a fun, quick story that is the perfect pick-me-up. In a reading slump? This sweetly hilarious book by the wonderful Sarah Strohmeyer may just pull you out of it. I thoroughly enjoyed myself with this one. Please keep them coming, Sarah!

Jaime Lynn

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