In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is hosted by the lovely Kristi over at The Story Siren.

Man, it has been a long time since I have done an IMM.  I can't even remember what I have shown yall.  So, I am going to gather up the books that are around me and show you what I have :)

Books I got this week (well that haven't been reviewed on the site yet):

The Demon King  Cinda Williams Chima  (Library)
Sea Glass by Maria V Snyder (Library)
Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon (Library)
A Christmas  (from Bethany House)
A Lasting Impression ARC by Tamara Alexander (from Bethany House)
Glow  (library)
The Faerie Ring ARC by Kiki Hamilton (from Banned Books Tours)
Jessica Rules the Dark Side ARC by Beth Fantaskey (from Around the World ARC Tours)
All These Things Ive Done by Gabrielle Zevin (library)

I can't remember if I blogged about this or not, but a few weeks ago I got a package in the mail from the wonderful Eve Marie Mont and this is what was inside:

The cover is beautiful (and you can see the covers of the next two books on the back flap :) )  

Here is what the blurb says on the right: "...But what if he loved me anyway? What if our age difference didn't matter to him? Not the fact that he was my teacher? Rochester had been Jane's employer, and that hadn't kept them apart. What if Mr. Gallegher returned my feelings but couldn't express them because.... well, because it was illegal?  God I was such an idiot."

I can't wait until this book comes out!  (And stay tuned to my blog, because Eve mentioned another cover jacket like this one might be making its way to me to use for a giveaway!)

I also got a bunch of books from Net Galley/ S &S Galley Grab:

From Simon and Schuster:

The Pledge 

From Net Galley:

Darker Still
The Gathering Storm
Spirit's Princess
Cross My Heart

From the Authors:

The Protectors
Flames of Surrender
Emotionally Charged ( I LOVE this cover)

Whew!  As you can see, I am on a book ban currently- because between tours coming up and all the books I have gotten in previous weeks and just didn't list- I am swamped!  I have been doing a book a day, though.  As long as I keep up that pace- I should be good!

I have two giveaways right now- I am giving away two copies of The Mercy by Beverly Lewis, and will be giving away a 15 dollar gc to Amazon starting tonight as part of the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop- so make sure you check back tomorrow!

Also, when I get to 300 followers, I will be giving away a box or two (or three ) of books and swag (and may I say the swag is from all 2k12 authors?  YES!)

Have a great week everyone!

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