Blog Tour: What's Your Winner's Curse?

As we gear up for the release of the latest book in Marie Rutkowski's Winners trilogy -- The Winner's Crime on March 3rd, we're going to talk a bit about the winner's curse.

No, not the book, the phrase.  

The ‘Winner’s Curse’ is an economics term that means you’ve gotten what you wanted – but at too high a price.  What would you pay too much for?

A few of our bloggers have stopped by to tell us what they think they would pay too much for.  See what they have to say....

Wow, heavy heavy question.  And I could give a fluffy answer, but that isn't the one that would be truthful for me.  My answer would be equally as heavy.  I would pay too much to ensure my kiddos safety and that my oldest son would grow up in an environment where people cared about him and cherished him for who he is.  I would pay too much for therapies for him to be able to develop and grow and be able to live with the struggles he has but be able to not let them define him.  I would pay too much for teachers who understand him and love both of my boys equally.  See, I told you?  Heavy.  I would do anything for my kids, and everything else just seems to pale in comparison.

You know, at my ripe old age, I can genuinely say that I would not pay the price. I have paid too many prices in my 32 years of life. There are too many people in my life that mean everything to me, and I couldn't pay the price if it meant sacrificing them. I just would not do it, not for something for myself. However, If it was something for one of those people that mean everything to me, I would have no problem sacrificing myself, though. None at all. 

To see what other bloggers have said about their own winner's curses, check out the full list of bloggers participating in the tour to read their posts.

So what about you? What's your winner's curse?  Let us know in the comments, then enter to win a copy of EITHER The Winner's Curse or The Winner's Crime (US addresses only). 

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