Jaime's Top Ten Tuesday!

This fabulous meme Is hosted by the even more fabulous The Broke and the Bookish!

Physically, emotionally or mentally, each of these books had their own reasons for being hard to get through. Without further ado....

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
This story is stunning, it is perfection, and it sent me on one of the most emotional book coasters I have experienced to date. There were times that I had to put the book down, and just sit and breathe. EVERYONE should read this book!

Swoon by Nina Malkin
A LOT of people didn't like this book, and since it is on my list you might think I am one of them. But, I honestly liked it. It was incredibly different, and intriguing. However, it embarrassed the crap out of me, and some parts were just... disturbing. So, it took me a while to finish it. 

Illusions by Aprilynne Pike
Don't hate me, Wings series lovers out there, but this series just didn't sit well with me. At all. Wings was a good book, and I enjoyed it. With Spells, it went downhill. And then came Illusions, which just cemented my dislike. I honestly don't know how I was able to continue the series. Must have been some serious determination. My ONE reason for almost not making it through? LOVE TRIANGLE. The worst one to date, and the one that has made me angrier than any other I have read before. On a good note, Destined was pretty great, and while it still angered me, the focus was on something much better. The battle!

The Summer I Wasn't Me by Jessica Verdi
I won't even go into my reasons this one made me mad, but I struggled to finish it. Finish it, I did though!

Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas
This book is incredibly, deeply disturbing. Some of the scenes, the vulgar feelings coming off of the pages, were hard to get through. 

Fracture by Megan Miranda
I didn't connect with this one for some reason, and I really struggled making it to the end. Some books aren't meant to be, I suppose


Cracked Up to Be  and  Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers
These books are amazing, and so thoroughly gut-wrenching and emotional that they are hard to read in one sitting. It is almost physically painful sometimes. Courtney Summers is amazing. 

Lucid by Adrienne Stoltz, Ron Bass
Lucid is amazing, it is beautifully written, it is a great book. It is also incredibly confusing. I didn't necessarily have a hard time getting through this one, more that I would have to stop myself and slow down, reread here and there, so I would catch something. And still, I missed things. This is one that needs multiple readings to catch all of the tiny little pieces of the puzzle. 

The Waking Dark  by Robin Wasserman
This book is great. This book is fantastic. The writing in this book is top notch. This book is also INCREDIBLY disturbing,  heartbreaking and nausea-inducing. It is not an easy book to read, and that was proven by the amount of times I had to stop and breathe, or wipe my eyes.