Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

The Amazing and Super Talented Richelle Mead

From Beautiful Creatures to Icons and Unbreakable, Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia definitely take up some serious shelf-estate

There is absolutely no story that Kimberly Derting cannot kick some serious author butt on, and her characters are incredible and relatable, and some of my faves. Hence the reason every one of her books is, and will continue to be, on my shelf!

It's Stephen King! Honestly, is there need for an explanation? Between my dad and I, we have every King story ever written, and plenty of doubles! 

See that book in J.K. Rowling's magical, authory hands? Enough said!

Sarra Cannon's Peachville High Demon's series was one of the first Indie series that I read, and it cemented my love for Indie's. I have just about every one of her books, and I love them! Plus, she has cool hair!

I cannot say enough about Karina Halle! She is a great writer, who actually gets some scares out of me, she can write a seriously sexy/sweet romance, and she is gorgeous! After the UNBELIEVABLY good Experiment in Terror series, she has almost a complete shelf to herself!

Cassandra Clare has a LOT of books. A LOT! And I have two series, minus the final book in each, on my shelf, Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices. I really should finish both of them someday.

Penelope King is another Indie author who is one of my favorites. The Witchy, Witchy series and the Demonblood series are awesome! 

If I were making a Favorite Author list, Jessica Shirvington would, without a doubt, be on it. That is why I have every book of hers, some both physical and eBook, and I plan to have every upcoming book of hers. Plus, ain't she cute?!

The sad thing is, this isn't even half of the authors that I have the most books from. That list would be kind of ridiculous. This also is not a list of my favorite authors, although several of them would make that list, too. I hope you find some new authors to love!