Best Book Ever (Featuring author Carrie Jones)

Welcome to Best Book Ever!  This week we are honored to be visited by Carrie Jones, author of books like After Obsession and Need!  This week, Carrie is sharing her pick for Best Love Story Ever!

I know that when most people think "LOVE STORY," they tend to think of it in capital letters and probably pick a book about a boy meeting a girl and them falling in intense like and lust and love, and overcoming obstacles until there is a tremendous kissing scene that makes everyone (readers, characters, random dogs walking by on the street) swoon. For me though, my favorite love story is a series of books ending with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It's the best kind of love story because love saves the world, because it's not just about romantic love, but it's about friendship love, and parental love, and the love of society, and of good. It inspires and uplifts and makes us believe in ourselves. That's what love is supposed to be about, not just combining people's names with slashes or being on teams. Love is about uniting and lifting and giving. I can't even write about it without crying. I am such a wuss.

Endure by Carrie Jones

Pick up your copy May 8th!

It’s all-out war (and no-holds-barred romance) in the climactic conclusion to Carrie Jones’s bestselling series.

Zara is at the center of an impending apocalypse. True, she’s successfully rescued Nick from Valhalla, but it simply isn’t enough. Evil pixies are ravaging Bedford, and they need much more than one great warrior; they need an army. Zara isn’t sure what her role is anymore. She’s not just fighting for her friends; she’s also a pixie queen. And to align her team of pixies with the humans she loves will be one of her greatest battles yet. Especially since she can’t even reconcile her growing feelings for her pixie king . . .

Unexpected turns, surprising revelations, and one utterly satisfying romantic finale make Endure a thrilling end to this series of bestsellers.

 About the Author:

Carrie Jones likes Skinny Cow fudgsicles and potatoes. She does not know how to spell fudgsicles. This has not prevented her from writing books. She lives with her cute family in Maine, but she grew up in Bedford, NH where she once had a séance with cool uber-comedian Sarah Silverman.

The Meyers brothers are from Bedford, too, so you’d think it would make Carrie funnier, coming from Bedford N.H. Obviously, something didn’t work.

Carrie has a large, skinny white dog and a fat cat. Both like fudgicles. Only the cat likes potatoes. This may be a reason for the kitty’s weight problem (Shh… don’t tell). Carrie has always liked cowboy hats but has never owned one. This is a very wrong thing. She graduated from Vermont College’s MFA program for writing. She has edited newspapers and poetry journals and has recently won awards from the Maine Press Association and also been awarded the Martin Dibner Fellowship as well as a Maine Literary Award.

 Make sure to go pre-order your copy of Endure today!  If you haven't read this series- it is one of my favorites!  Go check out the entire series from Amazon!  Then come back here tomorrow to check out my review of Endure!

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