Best Book Ever: Best Love Story Ever
Welcome to Best Book Ever! Each week a group of authors, bloggers, and readers get together to pick their favorite book from that week's topic.
This week, our topic is:
Week 22: Best Love Story
For Best Love Story quite a few books came to mind, but in the end I decided to go with Darker Still. It reminded me a bit of Pride & Prejudice only with magic. Awesome, right? There are no love triangles, no weak heroines pining over a guy, & no guys that act like jerks only for the heroine to fall madly in love with him & end up together in the end. I think that's why I chose this one though. Natalie & Denbury's love story is so innocent & sweet. She's a strong main character who wants to help a guy in need & they wind up falling for each other along the way to end up completely in love by the end. Even better? Denbury's a total gentleman! Their love story was just so pure & good that it definitely gets my vote!Ren @Ren's Rambles
What a great topic! This is such a hard choice, as there's so many well written love stories to choose from. I'm going to take the easy way out and choose a classic. When I think of a classic love story I immediately think of Pride & Prejudice. *sigh* Okay, I'm totally thinking of the movie version with Colin Firth (he'll always be my Mr Darcy), but that's beside the point. Jane Austen wrote such a fabulous love story. Jane Austen got what makes a love story, a love story. If you've read it and love P&P you know what I'm talking about it. There's all these elements to a love story she understood and wrote about in the romance that blossoms between Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. I could honestly ramble on and on about this book. If you're looking for that real love story, you know the one that develops over time and has you leaning into the book each time the characters have a scene together and you want to yell "Kiss her already", but at the same time you laugh at their silly bickering back and forth, because they both don't want to admit they love each other when really they've been madly in love.... than I recommend picking up Pride & Prejudice today. Then after you read it I recommend watching the movie, no matter which version you choose.Katie @ MundieMoms
Oh. My. Goodness. This book had me laughing and crying all at once. It was so believable. I don't even know where to start...Mack has a record and has dropped out of school at 15. CeCe is a genius with a lunatic alcoholic for a mother. Together, they are to epitome of young, star-crossed lovers. I could talk about the plot, but it's complicated. Every character has a vital role in the story. On the surface you think the story is about CeCe and Mack (and it is), but it's more than that. Tony's role is HUGE-- and heartbreaking. It was so beautiful. Obviously, I think everyone should read this one. Why should you read it? Why break out of your normal genre(s) of choice to pick up this book? The answer is simple. It's a beautiful story of love, loss, and redemption. I wish I had enough copies of the book so I could loan it out to everyone I know. But, I only have one and I'm guarding it with my life. This book will be a treasure for one of "those kids" that are hard to reach. As a teacher, I know I'll get them hooked with this book.Alanna @ The Flashlight Reader
Best love story ever? I’m a sucker for time travel romances, and I fell in love with Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife. I only saw about three minutes of the film adaptation on a plane before my headphones self-destructed (true story), but I feel like I dodged a bullet; although I like Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams, at least as concepts, the beginning of that movie did not fill me with confidence. The book, on the other hand, is startling and brilliant. Okay, the premise is slightly creepy, and the characters not entirely sympathetic, but it all ties together—and like a true love story, all the action centers around Henry’s intense, often inappropriate devotion to his once and future wife, Clare. Though the explanation for his ability to time travel and the logistics involved may not be rigorous enough for hardcore science fiction fans, I was perfectly happy to accept time travel and move on with the characters’ stories and melodrama. This book is twisted, heartbreaking, and sometimes kind of sexy. Besides, how often do you get to read a book in which a librarian is one of the heroes? Fans of recent Doctor Who, and especially the character River Song, should check this one out.E.C. Myers, debut author of Fair Coin (2012 Prometheus Books)
I think as far as Best Book Ever topic, Best Love Story is probably the hardest in just choosing one. Their are so many love stories that I love in YA books and even adult too. Im sure many choose Bella and Edward from twilight Series, but you know I pinned for Jacob at one point. So I can't say that was the best or was it because we all know how much Edward loved Bella. Edward and Bella both were willing to sacrifice themselves to save one another. So then I think of Romeo and Juliet, wouldn't that be the best. I mean killing yourself shows pretty much how devoted you are for your love right? But then another great couple jumps in my head and they are Sam and Grace from Shiver. The way Sam and Grace loved one another was so intense just like Romeo and Juliette's love. So what makes the best Love story, honestly they all do as long as that love is pure and beautiful and it stays with you after you have long finished reading the book and always reference it when a topic like Best Love story even pops up.
This week my Best Book Ever pick is an easy one. I first read The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger eight years ago. I picked it up because I thought the cover looked interesting and then I devoured it in a day. Claire and Henry have a love story that stretches over decades. It's the total opposite of insta-love. Instead we see two people who discover the best and most flawed parts of each other and we see the joys of their relationship as well as the hardships. I laughed and cried along with them in those moments, and after I finished the book it stuck with me--it was a book I thought about constantly. It's a good one for everyone who loves a good love story.
My favourite ever love story has to be PRESERVATION by Rachael Wade. It's an Adult Romance about play-boy college professor, Ryan and student Kate who's sworn off men. Nothing is easy for the pair but then I always say "Nothing easy is worth having and nothing worth having is easy"
This story is a roller coaster of emotion, hurtling towards the end at break-neck speed.
I picked it up at 10pm hoping to read for an hour. I put it down at 2:30am, emotionally battered and bruised with tears racing each other down my cheeks.
This book is unputdownable and unmissable!

I know. I JUST picked Lola and the Boy Next Door a few weeks ago for Good Guy Wins. My Steph Perkins fan girl is showing. Oh well, there are worse things that could happen.
No, I never lived in Paris (alas) and my first true head-over-heels love was totally unrequited (sigh), but there was so much about Anna's story that was relatable. I felt 17 again while reading it. Relived all the stomach-lurching dread and effervescent giddiness of spending time with a boy friend who makes you very much want to delete the space between those words. Anna and St. Clair's story is my pick for best love because it's one we've all experienced... Or desperately wished to.Tiffany Schmidt, debut author of Send Me a Sign (2012 by Walker- Bloomsbury)
So what is your favorite Love Story Pick? Please share in the comments below!